Common Repairs Price List
(For bulk school repairs click here)
We do all orchestral string instrument and bow repairs, from the simple to the complex. Listed below are some of our more common repairs. We also do complete restorations. You're always welcome to give us a call with questions or simply bring your instrument or bow in for a quote!
If you live remotely you can ship the instrument to us for repair, contact us for more details.
*Standard replacements are Aubert #5
Adjustment ................................ $38
Violin/Viola ............................... $60
Cello ............................................. $107
Double Bass (Standard)……………. $154
Double Bass (Adjustable)……………. $230
Superior Upgrade ................. +$12, +$15
Adjustment/Setting ........................ $38
Violin/Viola .............................. $85
Cello/Bass .................................. $99
Cracks/Open Seams
Open Seam Repair ....................... $38 - $55 per
Crack Repair through F-hole .. $79 Each
Cleats on top seams .................... $19 Each
Sound Post Crack Veneer Repair:
Violin/Viola .................................... $137
Cello .................................................. $181
Sound Post Patch (requires Top Removal):
Violin/Viola .................................... $380
Cello .................................................. $720
Bass ......................................... Estimate Required
*Top Removal and Replacement:
Violin/Viola .................................... $240
Cello ................................................... $539
Double Bass ..................................... $946
Touch ups, Cleaning, Other
If your instrument has caked-on gunk or any
bare wood showing, it may be time for some
cleaning or touch-ups!
Bring your instrument in for an estimate.
Fingerboard, Saddle, Nut
*Fingerboard repairs:
Violin/Viola replaced ....................... $181
Cello replaced ..................................... $425
Double Bass ......................... Estimate Required
Replane ................................................. $95
Reglue ................................................... $83
*Saddle repairs:
Replace ................................................. $83
Reglue ................................................... $35
*Nut repairs:
Replace ................................................. $70
Adjust ................................................... $35
Reglue ................................................... $35
Fine Tuners Installed ........ $10-$13 Each
Replace Violin/Viola ........ $24-$30 Each
Replacement Cello ............ $42-$52 Each
Bushing Violin/Viola ................ Total all 4 $115
Bushing Cello ……………….. Total all 4 $130
*New Tailpiece:
Violin/Viola ............................... $43
Cello ............................................ $63
Double Bass ........................ Estimate Required
*Tailpiece Installation w/ New Nylon
Violin ........................................... $23
Cello ............................................. $28
*End Button:
Standard ..................................... $27
Custom ................................... Estimate
Rehair Violin/Viola ................................ $60
Rehair Cello ….…………………….. $64
Rehair Bass ……………………….. $75
Wedge Replacement ............................... $14
Tip Plastic ................................ $49
Tip Casein (Imitation ivory)………….$56
Tip Bone ........................ $70
Wrap Silver ...................................... $77
Wrap "Whale Bone" .............................. $68
Wrap Silk ..................................... $70
Leather Replacement ............................ $45
Lead Weight w/Leather Replace .................... $55
Eyelet w/Bushing ................................ $60
Eyelet w/o Bushing ............................... $36
Broken Stick Wrap “Cast ............................... $55
Head Spline Break ................................. $105
Slide Replacement ............. $75 (abalone) - $95 (stone)
Bow Camber ............................. $40 - $100 (time-based)
Necks, Blocks, Bass Bars
Reset (w/o Pin) ............................................ $115
w/Pin & Fingerboard Removal ............. $180
Replaced with new blank neck .............. $315
Resetting end block .................................... $97
Resetting ribs to end block ...................... $44
*Bass Bar replacement (requires top removal):
Violin/Viola....................................... $490
Cello .................................................. $850
Double Bass .................. Estimate Required +$945
Reset (w/o Pin) ............................................ $127
w/Pin & Fingerboard Removal ............. $187
Replaced with new blank neck .............. $308
Resetting end block .................................... $98